Brittle material industry overall solution2024/7/31 20:06:54

  Dicing saw play a vital role in the brittle materials industry, such as glass and ceramic production. These materials, due to their high hardness and fragility, put forward higher requirements on the dicing process.
  2、the solution
  (1), high precision and high stability dicing
  Precision mechanical adjustment: The grinding wheel dicing saw uses high-precision servo system and fine adjustment device to ensure that the dimensional accuracy and dicing depth in the dicing process can reach a high standard.  
  Stability optimization: By improving the machine structure and strengthening the rigidity of the dicing platform, the stability of dicing brittle materials is improved, and the material damage caused by machine vibration is reduced.
  (2) Customized process development
  Multi-parameter adjustable: According to the different characteristics of the brittle material, the grinding wheel blade provides multi-stage speed control, pressure adjustment and precise setting of the dicing depth to meet different process requirements.  
  Process optimization: In view of the fragile characteristics of brittle materials, special dicing processes are developed to reduce material crushing and micro-cracking.
  (3) Increase the yield and yield
  Reduce material loss: Maximize material utilization through high-precision dicing technology and reduce material waste due to dicing errors.  
  Improved yield: Optimized dicing parameters and precise dicing process reduce the fragmentation and micro-cracks in the dicing process, and improve the yield of the product.
  (4) Compatibility and scalability
  Multi-material applicability: The grinding wheel cutter is designed to handle a variety of brittle materials, including but not limited to glass, ceramics, silicon wafers, etc., with strong adaptability.  
  Technology upgrade convenience: Reserve interfaces and space for future technology upgrades and performance improvements to meet the needs of new materials and new processes.
  (5) Reduce production costs
  Saving raw materials: Efficient dicing technology makes the use of raw materials more efficient and reduces material costs.  
  Reduced maintenance costs: Durable grinding wheel dicing components and easy maintenance design reduce maintenance costs in long-term operations.
  (6) Quality control and traceability system
  Real-time monitoring and adjustment: The grinding wheel dicing saw is equipped with an advanced monitoring system, which can monitor the dicing status in real time and automatically adjust according to needs to ensure the stability of dicing quality.  
  Data recording and analysis: Collect key data during the dicing process to provide the basis for quality control and future process improvement.
  (7) Environmental protection and operation safety
  Reduce waste emissions: Efficient dicing reduces waste and by-products, in line with green production requirements.  
  Improve operation safety: The design of the grinding wheel dicing saw takes into account the safety of the operator, is equipped with the necessary safety protection devices, and has an emergency stop function to ensure the safety of operation.
  3、Implementation steps
  (1) Demand analysis: in-depth communication with customers to understand their specific needs and dicing requirements.  
  (2) Program design: According to customer needs, develop detailed dicing solutions, including equipment selection, dicing process, intelligent management system, etc.  
  (3) Equipment supply: Provide high-precision dicing saw equipment, and customize according to customer needs.  
  (4) Installation and commissioning: responsible for the installation and commissioning of equipment to ensure the normal operation of equipment.  
  (5) Operation training: to provide customers with equipment operation training to ensure that customers can master the use of equipment.  
  (6) Late service: Provide long-term maintenance and technical support services to ensure the smooth progress of customer production.